Sunday 24 February 2008


Anyone who has glanced at my blog will know I am very opinionated and very passionate and therefore often left reeling by a world that saddens or sickens me. Most of these things start me ranting... first to myself and then at my long suffering friend " Marmaladekiss". "This is the sort of thing you should say on your Blog"..... so...
Just watching the news. Those poor girls murdered in Ipswich by Steve Wright. The most vulnerable of our countries children, who for various reasons have tumbled down society's ladder. Whoever or whatever they were they didn't deserve to be preyed on for the satisfaction of a madman...
BUT .. now our TV's and newspapers are brimming with their families and friends parading their grief... saying how their babies had been taken from them and more than five lives ruined ....
WHERE WERE THEY ...when these girls slid into drug abuse and prostitution? Would they have paraded themselves in public and cried "That's my daughter!" when they were still alive?
I know these things happen and the families perhaps tried everything possible to rescue their babies from this awful existence. I don't dispute they are genuingly grieving, but why in public? It is so hypocritical. Maybe if these girls had had the support of family and friends when they were alive they still would be.
And just wait to see the list of prostitutes on the news who were picked up by him and lived to tell the tale... a few minutes of notoriety and then back onto the streets to become victims again. How many of them will die from their habit and will that be reported? Will their parents parade their grief? I doubt it.. perhaps murder sells more papers than the slow death of drug addiction and prostitution.
We should all be grieving, they are all our babies and we are all to blame.

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